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24/05/18 Rubbish galore collected by Foyle Hill Walking Group


Members and friends of the Foyle Hill Walking Group who collected 23 bags of rubbish along the beautiful coastal stretch from Moville to Greencastle last weekend.


The beautiful coastal stretch between Moville and Greencastle was subject to a deep clean last weekend when members and friends of the Foyle Hill Walking Group collected 23 bags of rubbish.


Clean up organiser Avril McAlister from the Foyle Hill Walking Group explained “our team of community volunteers collected a surprisingly large collection of various rubbish, everything from underpants, a stiletto heel, tyres, a carpet, a boot in good condition, numerous fresh coffee potlets, plastic and glass bottles galore, q tips plastic bits and wipes and so on.”


23 bags were left for collection by Donegal County Council and Avril thanked Pearse McCrory, Litter Warden for his support and for providing litter pickers, bags, gloves and high visibility vests.


She also acknowledged the great work done by Moville Tidy Towns saying “Moville Tidy towns keep the path clear through the year, without their work this path would have been much worse but litter picking is a never ending task and the hard work of our members has played an important part”.


“We were amazed and disappointed at the amount of small bits of plastic and polystyrene we picked up, all a danger to marine life around our coasts”.


“We can hold on to our picker uppers and our new resolution is to spend a few minutes at the end of each walk picking up littler around where we park cars. Every small bit helps throughout the year” says Avril.


Avril thanked everyone involved for a good day’s work and walk.


Pearse McCrory, Litter Warden with Donegal County Council thanked Avril and her group for their work.  “We really appreciate the work that has been done by Avril and the Foyle Hill Walking Group.  Every piece of litter that is picked up helps in the long run”. 


“We are delighted with the work done by community groups around the peninsula over the last two months.  We have a very busy summer season coming up in Inishowen with the Dubai Duty Free Irish Open only a few weeks away and the support we have received from Tidy Towns groups and other groups and organisations has been outstanding.  Anyone who would like to organise a clean-up can simply call the Council on 074 91 53900 or email [email protected] and we will provide litter pickers, bags, gloves and high visibility vests and arrange for the collection of the rubbish once it is bagged”.

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